2012年至2017年于英国格拉斯哥大学医学院,获临床心理学博士学位,师从英国精神病学会主席、顾问精神病学家Christopher Williams教授,从事关于计算机化认知行为疗法(CCBT)在轻度至中度精神疾病治疗效果方面的研究。期间,在格拉斯哥大学心理咨询中心担任心理治疗师。
1. 米雪薇, 郑梦沂, 刘黎明. 北京市城镇居民水价研究. 调研世界,2019(2),DOI:10.13778/j.cnki.11-3705/c.2019.02.006.
2. Mengyi Zheng, Carrie-Anne McClay, Sarah Wilson and Christopher Williams, Evaluation and treatment of low and anxious mood in Chinese-speaking international students studying in Scotland: A pilot randomised controlledtrial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2015, 1(1):22. DOI 10.1186/s40814-015-0019-x.
3. Mengyi Zheng, Carrie-Anne McClay, and Christopher Williams, The Efficacy of Low-Intensity CBT Resources for Use in Chinese-speaking Populations: A Systematic Review. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 2015, MS ID: 2275746491472662.
4. Mengyi Zheng, and Christopher Williams, Focus Group Examining Attitudes of Chinese-speaking International Students towards Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Resources. British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 2015.
5. 郑梦沂, 董倩倩.中国留学生抑郁和焦虑的计算机化认知行为治疗, 心理技术与应用, 2022,10 (5), 286-295.
6. Yanping Ji, Wensi Wang, Mengyi Zheng (通讯作者), Shuo Chen. Real Time Building Evacuation Modeling with an Improved Cellular Automata Method and Corresponding IoT System Implementation, Buildings, 2022, 12.
7. 郑梦沂.中文版计算机化认知行为治疗系统的修订, 心理月刊, 2022, 17(12), 218-220.
8. 于集轩, 刘黎明, 郑梦沂(通讯作者). 北京市机构养老资源与需求的适配性量化分析, 数理统计与管理, 2022, 6 (41), 1039-1055.
9. Li Zhang, Yaorong Zhang, Liya Qiu, Guangxing Yang, Haiyan Jiang, Mengyi Zheng, Jie Wang. Parental feeding knowledge, practices and Chinese children and adolescents' weight status, Children's Health Care, 2021, 05, 373-397.
1. 中国政法大学青年教师学术创新团队,核心成员,2019-2022.
2. 中文版抑郁症的计算机化认知行为治疗系统的构建及评估(10819133),中国政法大学青年教师资助计划,2019-2021.
3. Evaluation and treatment of low and anxious mood in Chinese speaking international students studying in Scotland (Project No: 200120022), College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences Ethics Committee, Chief Scientist Office of University of Glasgow, 2013-2016,项目负责人。
4. 编制建立计算机化认知行为治疗系统—“完满生活”在线课程系统(中文版Living Life to the Full),并进行本土化研究。该系统资源已在英国认知行为疗法年会上(British Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Psychotherapies)发布。